Perspectives on Business Management,
Economics & Information Technology (PBMEIT)

Now a Multi-Disciplinary Research Entity/strong>
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1. Overview

We support the principles of open access and self-archiving to enhance the visibility and impact of research. Authors are permitted to deposit their research papers in institutional or subject-based repositories, subject to the conditions outlined below.

2. Published Manuscript Deposits

Authors are permitted to deposit the published manuscript (the final, publisher-formatted version) in institutional or publicly accessible research repositories. The published manuscript may be made publicly available immediately upon publication, with no embargo period required.

3. Embargo Period

No embargo period is required. The published manuscript can be made publicly accessible as soon as it is deposited in a repository.

4. Copyright and Licensing

The self-archived manuscript should be made available under a Creative Commons (CC) license, preferably CC BY (Attribution) or CC BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial) to comply with open access mandates and funder requirements.

If the publisher imposes specific licensing terms, those must be adhered to.

5. Indexing and Institutional Inclusion

Universities, research institutions, indices, research databases, and repositories are free to index, archive, and store the research papers to enhance their visibility and accessibility. Institutions may include the full-text manuscripts or metadata in their databases, subject to the terms of the applied license. Proper attribution and citation of the original publication should be maintained to ensure compliance with best practices in academic publishing.

6. Link to Official Proceedings

To ensure proper citation and attribution, a link to the final published version of the research paper on the publisher’s website or proceedings will be included in the repository entry.

7. Compliance and Further Information

Authors are responsible for ensuring compliance with funder, institutional, and publisher policies. If there are specific queries regarding self-archiving, copyright, or licensing terms, authors should consult their publisher’s guidelines or institutional repository support team.

This policy promotes open access to research, ensuring that work is freely available to the public without any embargo restrictions.

© 2020-2025 Perspectives on Business Management & Economics (PBME)