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PBME Volume II ISBN: 978-81-947738-1-8


Author(s): ASHITHA AB ORCID iD & DR. ANU L ORCID iD icon


Green is the catchword today because it is the universal color that symbolizes the environment. Nowadays, the “Going Green” initiative is gaining importance because individuals and corporates understand that the consumption of resources is more than what is available. We are sharing the universe, so at any cost, the environment should not suffer. So it is our prime responsibility to save and preserve our mother nature from the natural and human-made disasters for the future generation. From this context, the sustainability and greening concepts come forth.

The corporate environment transmutes itself from the traditional profit motive business to a competitive business model that aims profit through Sustainability. Nowadays, the business community is giving more concern for integrating the ‘environment management’ with ‘people management’ which is possible by Green HRM. The concept of Green HRM mainly deals with promoting sustainable use of resources and engaging every employee to support sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. Green HRM helps the organization earn profit through sustainable environmental practices and enhance its goodwill within society. GHRM tries to create a green workforce that can understand and support the green culture in the organization.

It is in this backdrop the present chapter aims to discuss the concept of Green HRM, its provenance, growth, Benefits, and various GHRM practices followed by the corporate and challenges for its implementation.

Keywords: Green HRM, sustainable business, environment-friendly practices, green initiatives

JEL Classification: A12, O13, O15, 044, Q01, Q56

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